node-redis guide (JavaScript)

Connect your Node.js/JavaScript application to a Redis database

node-redis is the Redis client for Node.js/JavaScript. The sections below explain how to install node-redis and connect your application to a Redis database.

node-redis requires a running Redis or Redis Stack server. See Getting started for Redis installation instructions.

You can also access Redis with an object-mapping client interface. See RedisOM for Node.js for more information.


To install node-redis, run:

npm install redis

Connect and test

Connect to localhost on port 6379.

import { createClient } from 'redis';

const client = createClient();

client.on('error', err => console.log('Redis Client Error', err));

await client.connect();

Store and retrieve a simple string.

await client.set('key', 'value');
const value = await client.get('key');

Store and retrieve a map.

await client.hSet('user-session:123', {
    name: 'John',
    surname: 'Smith',
    company: 'Redis',
    age: 29

let userSession = await client.hGetAll('user-session:123');
console.log(JSON.stringify(userSession, null, 2));
  "surname": "Smith",
  "name": "John",
  "company": "Redis",
  "age": "29"

To connect to a different host or port, use a connection string in the format redis[s]://[[username][:password]@][host][:port][/db-number]:

  url: 'redis://alice:[email protected]:6380'

To check if the client is connected and ready to send commands, use client.isReady, which returns a Boolean. client.isOpen is also available. This returns true when the client's underlying socket is open, and false when it isn't (for example, when the client is still connecting or reconnecting after a network error).

More information

The node-redis website has more examples. The Github repository also has useful information, including a guide to the connection configuration options you can use.

See also the other pages in this section for more information and examples:

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